Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ice at the margins

There was a hint of the turn of the earth yesterday.  We stood in a transition, a hard one, with collisions of sharp wind and bright sunshine, soil uncovered and ice still floating, the smell of water melting and of organic matter still thawing.

It was but one day.  Winter will roar again, but Spring will poke in, then grab hold of a few spots, then eventually lay over everything.

In past years, I might have reached for Silences.  I do love it when it is nearly time to literally turn the earth, when remnants of chill remain, but the soil is nearly ready to turn.  For no discernible reason, I picked up Aliage instead.

Turns out it was perfect.  The citrus wallops back against the greens, just like the bright nearly harsh sunshine pierced the fierce wind...and the bitter wind ended up holding its own against any hope of solar warmth.

Allowing oneself a glimpse of spring at this time of year at this latitude is not for sissies.


Anonymous said...

Glimpses of Spring - our little potted hazel tree had a tiny female flower on it when I looked yesterday but no male catkins yet. (I'll have to source some male catkins at the Botanical Gardens tomorrow.)

It always delights me to see plants asserting themselves no matter what the weather throws at them. The snowdrops are up and about half are fully open, and the crocus leaves are all showing in the parks and green spaces around the city.

Too much low cloud the last couple of days for the Northern Lights to be visible here, though.

cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

ScentScelf said...

Would you believe I saw fuzzy pussy willow catkins on a shrub this week? We were just under two feet of snow. This time of, so what it is.

I am sorry about the cloud cover. I do so love the Northern Lights. Maybe the sun will throw another flare when you have clearer skies.

Musette said...

we're ankle-deep in mud, though we still have some mounds of hefty snow... and according to my weather app, are only 5F colder than Santa Barbara.

Somethin' ain't right here.

My nerves are shot - this weather is playing worse havoc than steady snow, I think.

I'm wearing that Zorn Historical today, just to keep my soul from flying out of my body!



ScentScelf said...

Yesterday morning, still had cover in some places. By the end of the day of unrelenting cold rain, just a few stubborn drifts in the shade.

Weird about Santa Barbara. You all are just south of a nearly 20º differential line; we hovered at the freezing mark all day, and are going to get it worse today. Snow. Again.

This is why I try to stick my fingers in my ears when people start talking about "spring coming." I mean, sure, sometimes you can see a train coming round the bend waaaaaaaay down the track, but man, it's still going to be a while before it is actually in front of me and ready to board.

Oh, that Historical. I've had a cart open with Love Speaks Primeval (and maybe one or two other things) in it for over a month. If only the appliances would stop bursting into flames...

Barbara/Perfumaniac said...

Mmmm, Aliage. That's a nice perfume to turn to while waiting for spring. Juicy! And what beautiful description of spring poking into winter. I could practically smell the "water melting" and "organic matter still thawing."

ScentScelf said...


I don't know why I hadn't thought of it previously--Aliage really does kind of pick you up and move you forward through the wait. And yet doesn't conflict, rather, seems to be some of what is happening, writ large.

So glad you stopped by.